Download best real life love stories of all time
Download best real life love stories of all time

But ultimately, the greatest stories reveal the transformative power of love and its ability to triumph over missteps and mistakes, whether it's in a world like our own or one of the author's imagining.

download best real life love stories of all time

They stumble over their words or advances they break hearts and don't always mend them and they leave us frustrated, but also relieved that we're not the only ones to make mistakes. The best love stories are ones when the characters are achingly flawed humans. After all, would Romeo and Juliet be half as beloved if the two swooning teens lived happily ever after? The most romantic love stories involve a convincing plot, which means conflict. And while that may be a frustrating truth in real life, it serves literature well.

download best real life love stories of all time

"The course of true love never did run smooth," Lysander tells us in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Download best real life love stories of all time